产品名称:丙烯葡聚糖凝胶S-300 HR68894-07-5;65546-95-4
产品特点:关于丙烯葡聚糖凝胶S-300 HR68894-07-5;65546-95-4的报价、、产地、库存、*、折扣、品牌等情况,可咨询我公司专业试剂销售人员!
丙烯葡聚糖凝胶S-300 HR68894-07-5;65546-95-4的详细资料:
丙烯葡聚糖凝胶S-300 HR68894-07-5;65546-95-4英文名称:Sephacryl S-300 High resolution
Useful fractionation range(MW):globular proteins 1×104~1.5×106;dextrans 2×103~4×105
DNA exlusion limit(base pairs):118
Bead form:Spherical,diameter 25-75um in wet form
Bead structure:Allyl dextran and N,N-methylene bisacrylamide
pH stability:long term 3~11,short term 2~13
Chemical stability:Stable to all commonly used fuffers:0.2M NaOH;0.1M HC1;1M acetic acid;8M urea;6M guanidine HC1;1% SDS;2M NaC1;24% ethanol;30% propanol;30% acetonitrile(tested at 40℃ for 7 days)
Physical stability:Negligible volume variation due to changes in pH or ionic strength
用途:本品仅供科研,不得用于其它用途。(以下用途仅供参考)For size exclusion chromatography; the HR grade is a smaller particle size with narrower size range distribution, allowing for more efficient separations at faster flow rates. Recommended fractionation ranges are listed for globular proteins and dextrans
产品名称 | 英文名称 | 货期 | 发货地 |
丙烯葡聚糖凝胶S-300 HR68894-07-5;65546-95-4 | Sephacryl S-300 High resolution | 3-5天 | 上海 |
Canine Plasma Citrate, 0.2 micron sterile filtered, 500ml 500ml
Canine Plasma Citrate, 0.2 micron sterile filtered, 100ml 100ml
Calf serum, sterile filtered, 0.2 absolute, 500ml, heat inactivated 500ml
Calf serum, sterile filtered, 0.2 absolute, 500ml 500ml
Calf serum, sterile filtered, 0.2 absolute, 100ml, heat inactivated 100ml
Calf serum, sterile filtered, 0.2 absolute, 100ml 100ml
Calf serum, non-serile, 500ml 500ml
Calf serum, non-serile, 100ml 100ml
Bovine serum, sterile filtered, 0.2 absolute, 500ml, heat inactivated 500ml
Bovine serum, sterile filtered, 0.2 absolute, 500ml 500ml
Bovine serum, sterile filtered, 0.2 absolute, 100ml, heat inactivated 100ml
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如果你对丙烯葡聚糖凝胶S-300 HR68894-07-5;65546-95-4感兴趣,想了解更详细的产品信息,填写下表直接与厂家联系: |